I am an INRAE junior researcher in economics at the
Grenoble Applied Economics Lab .
My main interests are in topics of industrial organization,
particularly the strategies adopted by firms when faced with
uncertainty. Recent studies cover agricultural and digital sector
Two-part tariff, demand uncertainty and double
marginalization: An experiment
Olivier Bonroy
Alexis Garapin ).
accepted at Economics Letters .
Multiple agricultural risks and insurance -- Issues, perspectives
and illustration for wine-growing
Cécile Aubert ,
Yann Raineau
Marc Raynal ).
Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies , 2024, published online.
Decentralization and consumer welfare with substitutes or
complements .
Review of Industrial Organization , 2024, published online.
Management turnover, strategic ambiguity and supply incentives
Pascal Toquebeuf ).
The B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics , 2023, Vol. 23
(1), pp. 121-154.
Risk aversion and equilibrium selection in a vertical contracting
setting: An experiment
Olivier Bonroy
Alexis Garapin ).
Theory and Decision , 2022, Vol. 93(4), pp. 585-614.
Working Papers